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Word of the Day #1 ~ Vote November 4, 2008

Posted by Fantastic Four in Funnies, Mini Glossary, Phrases.

vote here

vote |vōt|
a formal indication of a choice between two or more candidates or courses of action, expressed typically through a ballot or a show of hands or by voice.


How would the rest of the world plead to the US in their own languages:

Turkish: Lütfen Obama’ya oy verin

Russian: Пожалуйста проголосуйте для Obama

German: Wählen Sie bitte für Obama

Irish: Vótáil Obama (Thank you Primal!)

Italian: Voti per Obama per favore (Thank you Nick!)

Spanish: Voti prego per Obama

Korean: Obama를 위해 투표하십시오

Chinese: 请投票支持Obama

French: Votez svp pour Obama

Greek: Παρακαλώ ψηφίστε για Obama

Dutch: Gelieve stemmen voor Obama   (Thank you Conor)

Afrikaans: Stem asseblief vir Obama (Thank you Vanilla)

Well, there are so many other languages and people who speak those languages who’d like a certain Mr. Obama to be elected.

Please feel free to let me know how to say this in languages that aren’t included here and I will add more.

Happy Voting America!


1. Primal Sneeze - November 4, 2008

“Vótáil Obama”. One of the rare uses of “V” – a letter we don’t have in our alphabet.

2. Nick - November 4, 2008

Italian – Voti per Obama per favore.

3. Gaye - November 4, 2008

Mr Sneeze and Mr Nick thank you for your contribution to the “Word of the Day”. It is very much appreciated.

4. conortje - November 6, 2008

I think you need to leave out the ‘te’ 🙂

5. Gaye - November 6, 2008

Ta very much Conor 🙂

6. Primal Sneeze - November 7, 2008

It worked!

7. Quickroute - November 7, 2008

I did vote and we won!

8. Gaye - November 7, 2008

Ha! Primal, my blog has magical powers! I just have to type Peace into the magical Word of the Day post; translate it into few different languages; sit back and relax as it does its magic; watch the world transform into this peaceful little planet.

9. Gaye - November 7, 2008

QR, You did! And we all won!
I can’t thank you enough. 🙂
Your man is going to make me a believer again.

10. wisewebwoman - November 12, 2008

Oh I sure hope you’re right, Gaye.
My inner cynic has been pretty active. But I’m enjoying the ‘hope’ and ‘change’ for the few months of anticipation.

11. Gaye - November 12, 2008

Oh WWW, I was born cynic but I want to believe!

12. Absolute Vanilla - November 24, 2008

Stem asseblief vir Obama.
which translates at Please Vote for Obama.
Stem vir Obama
which is Vote for Obama

Hey a bit late, but better than never! 😉

13. Gaye - November 25, 2008

Thanks Ava! 🙂

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